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Mandatory Notifications
Mandatory Notifications


Attendance Procedures

Attendance Procedures

Parents/guardians must report student absences to the Sunset Attendance Line.
To reach the Attendance Line call 760-753-3860,  press 1, or email
In the message leave your name, phone number, relation to the student, the student's name, and the reason for the absence, including the date. 
If your student needs to leave school early, please report the early release to the attendance line a day in advance.
Attendance & Tardy Policy

Attendance & Tardy Policy

Regular attendance is an integral part of student academic success.  Each student is assigned an academic advisor, who is committed to keeping track of your student's progress at Sunset HS. One of the key components to graduating from high school is being there!  Students must be on time and in class by the start of class. 
Students must attend school a minimum of 20 hours a week and are responsible for clocking in and out each day to record their hours. If the student needs to leave campus early, the parent/guardian MUST request permission from the front office before the student leaves campus
Tardiness is any late appearance of a student beyond the scheduled time that a class begins. 
Truancy is any unexcused absence that has not been cleared by a parent/guardian within 48 hours of the absence.
Students with excessive tardies will be assigned after-school detention. Failure to attend detention will be considered defiance and will result in disciplinary consequences. 
Tardies are Tracked on a month-to-month basis
5 tardies in a month 30 minutes after school detention
10 tardies in a month 60 minutes after school detention
Each additional 5 tardies in a month 60 minutes after school detention
Detentions are NOT optional. They MUST be served when assigned. 
Students with poor attendance may be referred to SARB (Student Attendance Review Board) and/or involuntary transfer to Sunset High School and Juvenile Court.